Act as the crisis communications partner during The Taj Attack - Restoring Safety


The primary objective was to restore safety and stability within the organization following the terror attacks in Mumbai, particularly the siege at the Taj Hotel. This involved overcoming fear, mitigating rumors, and ensuring the well-being of employees, especially with top officials, including the global CEO, being trapped at the hotel.

The problem

On the day of the terror attacks, Mumbai was plunged into chaos. The office, situated just a few yards from CST railway station, was dangerously close to one of the attack sites. The top management, including the global CEO, were trapped inside the Taj Hotel, creating a scenario where their survival was uncertain. This situation led to widespread fear, rumors, and misinformation among employees.


The immediate response was crucial. Recognizing the importance of presence, I returned to the office the very next day. The following steps were taken to address the crisis:
‣  Immediate Communication: Emails were sent to all employees to provide accurate information and reassure them of their safety.
‣  Media Management: Crafted media responses and handled queries to ensure that the information disseminated was accurate and timely.
Physical Presence: In an era where technology was not as advanced, personal interaction and physical presence were critical. Being in the office allowed for real-time management of the situation and direct communication with employees.
Employee Engagement: Ensured continuous updates through emails and prepared for a town hall address once the situation had stabilized.


The actions taken led to several positive outcomes:
‣  Fear Mitigated: The immediate and transparent communication helped in calming fears and reducing anxiety among employees.
Safety Restored: Clear and consistent information reassured employees about their safety and the measures being taken.
Doubts Settled: Personal presence and direct communication helped settle doubts and dispel rumors.
Work Resumed: Normalcy was restored, allowing work to resume without prolonged disruption.

By prioritizing immediate, clear, and personal communication, we were able to restore a sense of safety and normalcy within the organization, even in the face of a national crisis.

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